Ø To create
world class library by creating state-of-art infrastructure and containing
books of eminent writers in different fields of academia with special emphasis
on digital techniques and access to the students and other users thereof.
Ø To provide
material that will stimulate students’ acquisitions of factual knowledge,
development of literary appreciation, aesthetics values and ethical standards.
Ø To provide
sources of research-oriented information’s and articles/ journals for academia.
Ø To select,
evaluate and acquire library materials in varied formats to meet and respond to
the needs of our diverse community.
Ø To inform
the Faculty members with latest up-dates in their respective subject area.
Ø To help in
promoting the research in various departments of the Institute.
Ø It provides
healthy entertainment material to its users.
Ø To ensure
smooth functioning and effective management of central library with
coordinating with the various departments of the Institute.
Term: Two years and shall continue to be in force until
Quorum: 40% of the members.
Meetings: once per semester and on any exigency.
Role of member’s
convener: with the approval of the
principal convene meetings, prepares the agenda for the meeting and forwards
the decisions to the principal for approval. After the approval records the
minutes and circulates among the members.
Book Selection Procedures – Agenda I:
Ø The library helps the faculty in book selection by
providing them the latest publishers catalogues, pamphlets etc.
Ø Books exhibitions are also organized for selection of books.
Ø Publishers and vendors visit the library and departments
of the college to promote their publications.
Ø Teachers very frequently browse the sites of reputed publishers,
databases etc. which help them in selection of books for the library.
Ø Teachers assess the title before recommending it for purchase.
Ø Those titles are avoided for purchase which is available
in digital form as an open- source.
Vendor/ Supplier Selection Criteria – Agenda II:
Ø Should agree to the terms and conditions as set by the
Library committee.
Ø Credentials- should be a member of Delhi State Bookseller’s and Publishers’ Associations (DSBPA)
or Association of Indian Publishers and Booksellers (AIPB).
Ø Must have Permanent Account Number.
Ø Should be a supplier to some government institute or
university or college library.
Book Purchase Procedures - Agenda III:
Ø The faculty and students can recommend books, on
specified format, for purchase to the library.
Ø The requisitions of students have to be approved by the
member of library committee of the concerned
Ø The recommendations from the faculty need to be endorsed
by the member of the library committee of the concerned department. (TIC in
absence of the member library committee).
Ø An Indian/ Student/ Cheaper/ Economy edition of a foreign
title is preferred.
Ø Paperback books are preferred over hardbound volumes.
Ø The requisitions received are checked for duplication by
the library staff. The library staff marks the requisition list with the number
of copies already available in the library.
Ø Up to maximum of 25 copies of a title can be procured.
However, more copies can be procured if recommended by the library committee.
Ø The library then obtains sanction for the acquisition
from the principal.
Ø Sanctioned list is given to selected vendor(s).
Ø One copy of titles are supplied, along with the price
proof, to the library against the approval memo.
Ø Supplied books are checked by library staff/ teacher(s)
who recommended those.
Ø After due checking, order is placed for selected titles.
Ø Unordered titles are returned to the supplier
Terms and Conditions
for the Vendors/ Suppliers
Ø The books supplied should be in good physical condition.
Ø An Indian/ Student/ Cheaper/ Economy edition of a foreign
title is preferred.
Ø Paperback books will be preferred over hardbound volumes.
Ø The bill, neatly TYPED/ COMPUTER PRINTED, should be
submitted in DUPLICATE within
30 days of dispatch of the order.
Ø The bibliographical details should match with that of the
approval memo and the order. Mutilated bills and bills with
overwriting will in no case be accepted.
Ø The bill should be appended by an undertaking stating
that the latest edition(s) has/ have been
supplied, prices are correctly charged, Indian/ Economy/ Cheaper edition(s)
is/are supplied where available
and paperback is not available for title(s) supplied in hard binding.
Ø For price verification proof, the bookseller shall
produce a copy of Trade/ Publisher’ Catalogue. For foreign title(s) the
supplier may be asked to furnish PUBLISHER’S INVOICE
and/or any other relevant document.
Ø Books should be supplied within 30 days of the order
failing which the order shall be treated
as cancelled.
Ø For non-available, out-of-print, out-of stock books, a
certificate proof from the publisher must
be produced.
Ø The discount, as agreed, is to be indicated separately.
Ø All the supporting documents of the bill must be signed
and stamped by the supplier.
Ø Any of the above mentioned terms and conditions could be
amended as desired without any prior notice.
Ø The Library is open to the College students and staff
members only.
Ø Membership is given to students for one year.
Ø The librarian has the discretion to refuse admission to student(s).
Ø Any issued book/s can be demanded back at any time.
Ø Personal books, umbrella, stick, money- bag, mobile
phones etc. are not allowed in the library.
Personal belongings are to be left outside the library at their own
Ø Students must carry their Identity Card with them
whenever they enter the library. They
can be refused admission to the library if they fail to produce their identity
card on demand.
Ø Any misuse of the library facilities will considered as a
serious breach of discipline and the Principal can take such action as is necessary.
Ø The Principal may change any or all the library rules
without any notice.
Ø Students are expected to read notices issued by the
Librarian from time to time. Ignorance will be no excuse.
Ø Students on leave must arrange for the return of books in
Ø Entire library premises are a SILENCE ZONE.
Ø Borrowers must ensure that book(s) which are not properly
issued in their name are not to be taken out of the library in any circumstances.
Ø Book(s) once taken from the shelves should be left on the
reading- table only.
Ø Students are entitled to borrow four books. The books are
issued for seven days only.
Ø The rate of overdue charges will be Re 1/- per day per
volume for 1st week. Rs 2/- per day per volume for 2nd week and Rs 5/- per day
per book thereafter.
Ø Students may borrow books against the membership ID
issued to them. Loss of library documents should be immediately reported to the
Librarian with the copy of an FIR lodged.
Ø Books from the stock room may be retained for a period of
one week. Borrowers must ensure that the books borrowed by them are not
spoiled, dog-eared, marked or otherwise mutilated.
Ø Books lost or damaged shall have to be replaced or its
double price shall be charged from the borrower.
Ø Reference books and “Not to be issued” books will not be issued.